Paintings 2025

If you fear controversy, my work is not for you.  I make outspoken art for people who understand themselves and the world around them, and are not afraid to stand up for what they believe.  My critics are mostly dogmatic Leftists who hate everything that isn’t…Leftist dogma.  =D  Destructive nihilists who can’t handle debate because they have no regard for facts, and only a tenuous grip on reality.

I interpret whatever happens next, good or bad.  If you value the message, buy my painting.  If you attempt to shoot the messenger, expect return fire.


Name of Painting (1900z)
The title of the painting appears here.

Medium: Acrylic paint and related media
Size: 24 x 18 inches on Panel
Price: $800
Availability: SOLD
Painting no. 22001

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Name of Painting (1900z)
The title of the painting appears here.

Medium: Acrylic paint and related media
Size: 18 x 24 inches on Paper
Price: $780
Availability: SOLD
Painting no. 21002

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